Sunday, 13 May 2007

Bullet Boy

Read your Bullet Boy notes yet? Remember to answer questions 1-6 and three others of your choice for Thurday/Friday's lesson. More BB stuff below....

Click here for detailed production notes from Verve Pictures

What is film distribution? Click here for a screenonline summary. Go there, read it and follow links to notes on film marketing, licensing and digital distribution.

Here is a distribution case study on, you guessed it, Bullet Boy. Read it!

View the opening scenes again here - lots of other scenes posted on YouTube

Friday, 4 May 2007

Pitch me your idea then...

So you wanna make a movie eh?

How are you going to get funding?

What cash is out there simply waiting for you to get your eager mitts on so you can start developing that script, shooting it or editing it?

What if you have done all this already but just need that crucial distribution deal to get your film out there?

Your task is to find out...

So, do some research....use links to the right eg: uk film council, BBC films, channel 4's guide to making movies is a good place to start. Shane Meadows even has a few tips for you...

Be detailed, what different funds do the UK film council offer. How do you apply? Check out some of the forms....are they easy, what pre-requisites or limitations are there?

What about short films - is this easier to get funding for?

Bring you research and your pitch to class for Thursday 10 May!

Pitch to include:

  • genre (sub-genre)

  • tone and style

  • locations

  • themes explored

  • possible actors / key crew
