Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Almost Rosy

Complete the following tasks, based around the article 'Almost Rosy' from Sight and Sound (BFI, January 2007, pp22-24) given out in class this week; which you have ALL read ;)
Complete this in class time and over the weekend for homework. Answers due next week. Any questions - post a comment.

  1. What films are FilmFour 'back in business' with? (column 2)
  2. What is the main difference between Europe and the UK in terms of the way TV puts money into film. (column 2 + 3)
  3. "That is because in the UK the tradition has been less protective of film culture and more concerned with commercial viability". Why does the author see this policy as a 'contradiction in terms'?(column 3)
  4. How much of Channel 4's initial programming spend was committed to films? (column 5)
  5. How long does the author say FilmFour remained a 'serious player on the UK film scene'?
  6. Briefly summarise what happened to FilmFour and it's role now. (column 5,6)
  7. While FilmFour 'crashed and burned' what was the BBC doing? (column 6)
  8. Briefly summarise how BBC Films operates, how well it is doing and what sort of budgets they work with. (column 7)
  9. Which film does Tessa Ross (FilmFour) cite as being most proud of? Why does she feel it best represents FilmFour? (column 8)
  10. The Road to Guantanamo (Whitecross/Winterbottom, 2006) was premiered on Channel 4. What did this give the film that it may not have got through a theatrical release? (column 9)
  11. What do both Mark Thompson and Tessa Ross believe is the key to success for broadcaster led film companies? (column 9)
  12. The Queen (Frears, 2006) tops the box office table in the last page. Why is this film seen as such a shining success? What factors do you think contributed to this?

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